I'm saddened that there are so many deaths due to the Covid-19 situation and am sympathetic with those who are separated, serving, sick and grieving. We've lost a close member of our long-lived community and aware that the suffering and risk to so many continues.
During this unprecedented time, I can't help but pause and wonder at the skies and waterways that have cleared up so quickly? Am I the only one who appreciates the greater quiet and peace from less 'industriousness'? Do we really want to go back to the way it was? Is anybody thinking about other ways of living? Of embracing their current locality? What if we could re-purpose the newly unemployed to transform the cities and suburbs and return to land-based lifestyles and vocations? How much junk and media from other places do we really need? How many occupations and organizations exist solely for the purpose of making someone money, not providing food security, health care, shelter and true essentials or even genuine encouragement, learning and inspiration to local residents? Surely there is enough work to be done and benefit produced from local, land-based work to keep everyone gainfully working, sheltered and fed! During this pause, let's consider what we want to be part of, what to bring forward and what we must leave behind to create a better world for everyone.